Literacy Partners

Customized professional development that meets the needs of every administrator, teacher, and student.

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What they’re saying…

The Problem


Educators are burdened with overwhelming responsibilities and an excessive workload. Many face obstacles and challenges such as:

  1.    Loss of instructional time
  2.    Testing/Over testing
  3.    Bored/Disengaged students
  4.    Too many conflicting curriculums/programs
  5.    Misalignment with state standards

According to Gallop, “Nearly 90 percent of superintendents share that their biggest challenge is boosting the academic achievement of underprivileged and/or struggling students.”

The Solution


Swap outdated and ineffective learning methods by using our proven professional development that also boosts test scores, enhances teacher effectiveness, and cultivates more engaged and independent learners.

Literacy Partners provides the best professional development that’s just right for every teacher, school, and district.

We don’t just talk the talk, we walk the walk. Literacy Partners stands out with our unwavering dedication to meeting each educator’s unique needs.

The transformative impact is felt by every student, teacher, and beyond!

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Results include:

Teachers finding a new surge of confidence, optimism, and enthusiasm.

Students who are happier, more engaged, and possess a genuine love for reading and writing.

Significant strides towards creating safer, more equitable, and inclusive classrooms.

Want to know more about the LP difference?

Kids are our future — and they deserve excellence in reading and writing. These are skills they’ll use for life.

Select the role that best describes you:

kids are our future
teachers work with us
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Does this approach address the common core state standards?

Yes. Literacy Partners always consults the standards, ensuring all the work we do aligns with the expectations for that grade level and subject area. In addition, what makes our professional development even more powerful is that we work with your teachers to develop the curriculum to ensure that nothing is random, but instead based on student needs while addressing the common core state standards. 

Rest assured that our 10+ years in education provides schools and districts with responsive, tailored professional development opportunities. We meet the needs of common core standards and each teacher, school, and district.

I’m not a Title 1 School/District. How do other schools get funding for this?

Funding for professional development shouldn’t be limited to only the schools that qualify for Title 1 funding. Many top-performing school districts globally see the importance of ongoing professional development with LP. In those school districts, we see the dedication to continued growth, allowing top-performing schools to raise the bar on what’s possible for their students, staff, and communities.

Non-Title 1 schools/districts can secure funding that supports their commitment to excellence in professional development by:

  • Grants– Non-Title 1 schools have had success finding and receiving grants. As your true partner in literacy, LP understands your time is valuable and we’re here to assist as you look for funding. We have a list of grants that we can share with you to help you consider options to strengthen literacy at your school. Email us at info@literacypartners.com for a list of those available grant options.
  • Parent Organizations-Other Non-Title 1 schools have leveraged fundraising campaigns with their PTO/PTA/parent groups so that the responsibility of improving literacy, test scores, retaining top educators, and cultivating lifelong learners isn’t left entirely to the school district. The next step to get your school district’s parent organizations involved is scheduling a call with LP to discuss your school’s individual PD needs. 


I’m a parent and this sounds amazing — how do we get you to our school?

Individual Parent Involvement- We love parent involvement! Over the years, we’ve seen individuals or segments of parents make a massive difference in the literacy education at their child’s school. Individual contributions, a fun parent event, like an auction, and hosting workshops for parents are a few ways that individual parents have found a way to make a difference in their children’s school and literacy education. 

You’ll first want to have a conversation with your school administrator to find out your school’s literacy professional development goals or plans. For assistance in having these conversations, email us at info@literacypartners.com

If you discover your school district doesn’t have an active literacy professional development plan, ask that your administrator contacts us to chat. LP’s proven, best-in-class professional development has improved literacy and student test scores, helped districts and schools attract and retain top educators, and cultivated kids’ love of reading and writing while creating thriving, lifelong learners. We’d love to do the same for your child’s district. 

What makes LP different?

From its inception, Literacy Partners has been instrumental in strengthening literacy that touches every child and teacher as well as breathes new life into the entire school and district. 

Today we stand behind the Literacy Partners Difference that allows us not to be cookie-cutter or prescriptive but instead flexible and involved. Because our founder is involved in every school, district, and class that we work with, there’s a profound sense of investment that you often will not find with other professional development providers. 

Our commitment to continuing to be the gold standard in literacy is proven to create a learning environment where all kids feel capable, valued, seen, and have the tools to excel. Imagine a classroom full of kids engaged and excited to learn. What would change if your test scores improved without the worry because all are thriving? That’s the LP Difference. We don’t just set the bar for excellence in literacy PD — we are the bar. 

Will I see an increase in test scores?

The short answer is yes. If teachers follow our suggestions and do this work with fidelity, they’ll see an increase in test scores. With responsive, tailored professional development opportunities, we meet the needs of each teacher, school, and district by focusing on three things: improving literacy and student test scores, helping districts and schools attract and retain top educators — even during a teacher shortage, cultivating kids’ love of reading and writing while creating thriving, lifelong learners.

students who are happier