Literacy Partners


Caregivers / Community Members

Are you a…

  • Parent, grandparent, relative, or caregiver of an elementary or middle school child
  • Member of a Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO/PTA)
  • Community leader looking to support literacy in your community
  • School Board Member
refine your lessons

As an advocate for your child, you want the best education possible because you know our kids are our future leaders.

It takes all of us– teachers, administrators, outside literacy consultants, and involved caregivers to provide our kids with the education they deserve.

When you look back at your calendar for the past year you have:

  • Donated money to teacher appreciation gifts
  • Volunteered to chaperone field trips
  • Sent out the newsletter/email to keep other parents informed
  • Set up tables for the next school event
  • Stayed late to breakdown bleachers or help clean up after a school activity

There are days when it feels like you’re always at the school, giving freely of your time to make sure your child’s school has everything needed for kids to thrive.

reading and writing at or above grade level

Studies continue to prove that the more a family or community is involved in their youth — the better their results.

Outcomes include:

  • Happier kids who have varied interests.
  • More confident and eager students who want to participate in class discussions.
  • Kids who are critical thinkers and independent problem solvers.
  • Students who are more creative and are able to focus on projects they care about.
  • Kids who have better grades across content areas
  • Students who are reading and writing at or above grade level
  • Kids who are college and career ready
confident and eager students

Education has changed from when we were in school yet somehow teaching methods have stayed the same. While this is no fault of our own, it’s time to teach our kids using proven methods that support today’s learner.

You wouldn’t want a surgeon operating on your child using techniques from 30 years ago, right?

The same holds true in your child’s education.

At Literacy Partners, we teach teachers how to teach — for today’s learners.

time to teach our kids using proven methods

What they’re saying…

Our innovative, research-based approach to reading, writing, and phonics replaces outdated learning methods that no longer work for today’s educators and students.

With responsive, tailored professional development opportunities, we meet the needs of each teacher, school, and district by focusing on three things:

Improving literacy and student test scores

Helping districts and schools attract and retain top educators — even during a teacher shortage

Cultivating kids’ love of reading and writing while creating thriving, lifelong learners
cultivating kids’ love of reading and writing

Your child’s school/district is investing money each year to bring programs and support services to teachers.

Why not bring the best professional development with a 10 year + track record of success into your kids’ school or district?
Bring Literacy Partners to your school or district.