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Three Easy Ways to Practice Self-Care Daily

Self-care is more important now than ever before. How can we take care of others if we’re not taking care of ourselves? You know the saying, “Put your oxygen mask on first before you help someone else?” It’s true — you can’t show up for others when you’re not taking the best care of yourself.

At the start of the pandemic, I went live on Facebook to share some of these tips. Watch the replay here. Now I’m sharing them with you. I’m planning to do more Facebook live sessions so please feel free to join me!

Tip 1: Start a meditation practice if you don’t have one yet.
I know this may sound hippy-dippy — I’m with you. I felt that way too but I promise, it will help you start the day with a clear mind and an open heart, and that’s truly what we need right now. A few minutes of breathing and clearing your head before you start the day will do you a lot of good.

Some apps you can use:

  1. Unplug Meditation: This is the one I use. It has guided meditations that range from 5-15 minutes. I believe the first 30 days are free.
  2. Calm: I’ve heard this one is also great.
  3. Peloton: is apparently free right now for 90 days and has yoga and meditation.
  4. Jason Stephenson on YouTube

Tip 2: Begin a gratitude practice.
I was one of those people who thought this was so unnecessary. Right now we all need to be grateful for all we have. We have food, shelter, family, pets, books, TV, and the internet. Try a gratitude journal where you write down 5 things you’re grateful for, or you could make this part of your meditation (picturing a few things you are grateful for that day). I promise that this is another game changer and will reframe the way you think about your life. Here is a pic of my Gratitude Journal. It has a space for:

  • 5 things you’re grateful for
  • 10 dreams you made happen — you write these as though they already happened — this is way more powerful!
  • 1 goal you’re working on right now (mine right now says, “I am getting into the best shape of my life.”) Again you write it as though it has already happened.

This can all be done in a regular notebook also.

Tip 3: Move your body!

With places opening up, you can also get a great workout if you’re comfortable going in and keeping your mask on. There are a zillion workout apps you can download or Instagram influencers you can follow who will give you workouts you can follow with pretty much nothing but a mat. If you’re feeling ambitious, you can order some equipment on Amazon. I just did. I ordered booty bands, resistance bands, and gliders. Feel free to reply if you want more information on any of these.

If you’re comfortable going and keeping your mask on, you can get a great workout. I’ve just rejoined Barry’s Bootcamp that does outdoor workouts and it’s sweaty fun! Also, it’s beautiful out so taking a hike, run, bike ride or walk can be a great way to get that heart pumping.


How are you taking care of yourself? Leave a comment below and let us know!

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